Letter from Godfather(58)

My Child Whom I Cherish:
Do not be anxious about anything. Come before the throne of grace; you will receive mercy and grace as your help at all times. Do not doubt and do not condemn yourself. I want to bestow you with a new strength so that you will be willing to loosen your grip and let go of what you are holding on in your hand! By letting go, you will no longer be trapped as though you are immovable in a prison. Also, I want to bestow you with a new insight, causing you to endure in sufferings and refine your faith. My Child, are you willing to trust in me, believe that I can protect and guide you all your life? Hurry and follow me. I am the God who helps you with my countenance! Through my words, you will receive strength and be blessed with sustenance!

  Your Heavenly Father Who Loves You